Criteria for AAM Member Organisations and Individual Members
- A Muslim Organisation in Australia can apply for membership with the Alliance of Australian Muslims (AAM) if they:
- Are faithful and observant adherents of the mainstream teachings and understanding of the Islamic faith in Australia; and
- Agree with the objects of the AAM Covenant; and
- Are affected by issues related to the Australian Muslim community;
- are a company or an association incorporated pursuant to the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) or pursuant the relevant State law in Australia.
- are able to demonstrate the regular activities for or on behalf of the Muslim community, and a track record of activities and good reputation from a minimum of a two-years.
- pass the vetting process adopted by the AAM operations Committee.
- An individual member of the community can apply to the Alliance of Australian Muslims (AAM) and become an Associate member within the assembly of members if they:
- Are over the age of 18; and
- Are faithful and observant adherents of the Mainstream teachings and understanding of the Islamic faith in Australia; and
- Agree with the Objects of the AAM Covenant; and
- Are not convicted of any indictable criminal offence; and
- pass the vetting process adopted by the AAM operations Committee.; and
- agree to not have a voting right in the election process.
Note: An Associate member does not hold any voting rights within the assembly of members but may attend annual general meetings and take part in projects or sub-committees of the company at the invitation of the board of directors.